Post 8- Mise-en-scene making an original still image task

Our picture is about jealousy between the characters, as you can see in this picture two characters are standing close having a good conversation and in the distance you see another character that is staring at them, perhaps jealous of their relationship. We chose this scene because we felt that this would have a lot of emotion that could be portrayed, it also makes the viewer wonder why is the person in the back angry or mad, creating anticipation and confusion. We portrayed the closeness between the two front characters by making them face each other, they are close and  have happy expression. They seem to have relaxed body language showing they are comfortable around each other. This contrasts with the character in the background as her body language is stiff  and look uncomfortable, this portrays the way she feel, angry. we placed her in the background to show distance between the characters as two of them are close when the other is the polar opposite and is far away.

For this picture we took we chose a fairly dark hallway that is long, this is because it shows depth and distance between the characters both psychically and mentally. I feel that the place we chose, a school, fits this pictures as it schools are prime examples of places that have jealousy, feuds and arguments, this gives it natural feel to it as it is more believable and perhaps this also connects to the audience as they may have gone through of witnessed the same thing.

We chose to use natural lighting in this frame because it makes it seem more realistic, this picture was taken on a cloudy and overall darker day therefore this fits well will out story line as the darkness symbiosis the feud and anger that the character in the back feels towards the other characters therefor giving the picture dark undertones to what seem an happy picture.

The characters are all wearing smart clothes in this picture such as a sixth former or school student may wear, we made the decision to dress them like this as it fits in with the setting as this is what a stereotypical student would wear. They are all wearing fairly warm clothes also fitting in with the season winter/autumn.


  1. Well constructed image Lauren. As the expression is so important do we need as much of the building in the foreground?


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