Post 9-Mise-en-scene analysis of a still from 'Her'.
Setting and
The setting within the image shows a city, perhaps New York
City. With people surrounding the man in the red coat. The lighting in the image shows low
saturation, perhaps it is the evening time and so the sun is setting or the
light is used to reflect how the character is feeling. By having the lighting
on a low saturated level, it implies sadness, or anxiety and by the image
showing a city it could imply that the city is causing the man his problems. A
different point of view could be that the city is introducing the character as
different people act in different ways depending on where they come from. For
example, if the man was walking through the countryside it could imply that he
is lonely and has a quiet life, but by having him walk through a city it could
portray the idea that he has a busy schedule and by looking at his body
language it could imply that he is not happy with where he is.
Costume and Make
The first feature in which I notice about this man is that
he stands out from the crowd due to his red coat. The other people around him
are wearing neutral colours and so the man in the front stands out almost
immediately when looking at the image. This could be used to simply get the
attention of the audience or could be used in a more imaginative way. By making
his coat red, it could imply that he feels angry as red is commonly associated
with anger. I think that makeup has been used to take away the colour in his
face as he is showing no warmth in his cheeks and is coming across pale. This
could have been done to make the audience aware that he is not happy, perhaps
he has just been told something and it has made him go this way. Linking the
red coat to this point, he is standing out, perhaps conveying the idea that he
is a bold character but the contrast between his face colour and the colour of
his coat could be used to show that he isn’t feeling okay.
expression and Movement
The characters facial expressions in the image are
portraying the idea that he is unhappy, perhaps uncomfortable in the situation
that he is in, it is showing that he is uncomfortable as he has his arms folded
tight around his chest perhaps showing the idea that he is trying to protect
himself. Not physically protect himself but he may have been told something and
now is trying to protect himself from feeling upset. He is moving with his head
faced downwards, as if he is trying to avoid eye contact and the contrast
between the two couples behind him looking at one another and the man in front
looking only at the floor could be used to represent how everyone around him is
happy and yet he still feels nothing but sadness. The man looks concerned,
perhaps for himself or for something else and this could be what’s making him
unhappy. His body language is showing that he wants to get out of the situation
he’s in and because he’s surrounded by happy people when he is feeling upset, he
wants to get away as fast as possible.
This is excellent Lauren. I will be using it as an exemplar to show the other yr12 class. Well done. You clearly understand deconstruction of mise-en-scene elements.