Post 12- Mise-en-scene analysis in Him and Her

When watching episode 2 of ‘Him&Her’ and analysing the mise-en-scene and focussing on character expression and movement, it is obvious that the two characters, Steve and Becky act in a very immature and childlike way. Specifically in this episode, Steve is acting like a child as he is pretending to be ill so he doesn't have to leave the house to go out with his friends for his birthday celebrations.. This is child like as it is common for a young child to pretend they are ill to get out of school or a particular event. When Steves mother comes to visit him in his small bedsit to bring him his birthday presents he suddenly becomes very ill and she gives him a herbal remedy to keep his glands down, and by looking at his expression, it is obvious that he doesn't want to drink the remedy perhaps because he isn't actually ill. He also tips out the lemsip that Becky makes him when she's out of the room and takes another mouthful of beer. Implying that he wants everyone to think that he really is ill. It is also obvious that Becky doesn't believe him, almost representing a sibling who is annoyed that people are actually believing that he is unwell, linking back to the child like movements.

Furthermore, the character movements and expression within ‘him and her’ are very grotesque. Particularly in the opening scene when Becky starts picking Steves nose. Although this is somewhat comical, it is repulsive to watch however makes them seem like a couple who are comfortable with each other. Another moment within this episode is when Steve gets some chocolate and takes it to the toilet with him, but then he drops it however still goes ahead and uses it. By making him drop the chocolate in the bathroom, rather than in the kitchen or living room, it portrays the idea that he has no sense of hygiene and uses the ‘three second rule’ to pick it up. By making the characters grotesque, it makes them comical to watch and makes the viewers question why they are acting in such a manner, even though they are just comfortable around each other.

Finally, Becky and Steve act in a realistic way, shown through their movements and expression. They portray the idea that they are a normal couple however the aspect that no one sees of a relationship. A main thing that the writer and program creator Stefan Golaszewski wanted to create. A specific feature of this is when they are both laying in the bed in the opening scene watching inspector morse and Becky ruins the ending of the programme. By them laying in bed during the day implies their laziness and how they are happy with each other's company, especially as it is steves birthday and even though he's ill all he wants to do is stay with Becky. Also, by becky ruining the end of the episode for Steve it shows that they are confident with each other and that she try's her best to annoy him, a common thing which couples do.


  1. Lauren, this is great, especially as you have been so focused on showcasing your own understanding of expression and movement. Can you go back and add IMAGES/VIDEO like you did with your Ferris Bueller work to back up your points.


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