
Showing posts from September, 2017

Post 10- Cinematography creating a storyboard from the Gold Rush.

In class, we were given a short snippet of a scene from the Gold Rush, a Charlie Chaplin movie from the Silent Era. We created a story board and then in pairs we recreated the scene we looked at.  For the task we had to recreate a scene from the Gold Rush, we looked at the scene where Charlie Chaplin has a woman round his house when it is snowing and her friends come in and start teasing her about the flower and picture of her which they found when Charlie had left the room. We had to include all of the timings in the storyboard, and we tried to copy them when actually filming it. We used five actors. Three playing the womans friends, myself playing the woman and our friend Eddie playing Charlie Chaplin. We used the drama room as our set and used the staging to recreate the bed.                                                                           This is the final video:

Post 9-Mise-en-scene analysis of a still from 'Her'.

Setting and Lighting The setting within the image shows a city, perhaps New York City. With people surrounding the man in the red coat.  The lighting in the image shows low saturation, perhaps it is the evening time and so the sun is setting or the light is used to reflect how the character is feeling. By having the lighting on a low saturated level, it implies sadness, or anxiety and by the image showing a city it could imply that the city is causing the man his problems. A different point of view could be that the city is introducing the character as different people act in different ways depending on where they come from. For example, if the man was walking through the countryside it could imply that he is lonely and has a quiet life, but by having him walk through a city it could portray the idea that he has a busy schedule and by looking at his body language it could imply that he is not happy with where he is. Costume and Make up The first feature in which I notice abou

Post 8- Mise-en-scene making an original still image task

Our picture is about jealousy between the characters, as you can see in this picture two characters are standing close having a good conversation and in the distance you see another character that is staring at them, perhaps jealous of their relationship. We chose this scene because we felt that this would have a lot of emotion that could be portrayed, it also makes the viewer wonder why is the person in the back angry or mad, creating anticipation and confusion. We portrayed the closeness between the two front characters by making them face each other, they are close and  have happy expression. They seem to have relaxed body language showing they are comfortable around each other. This contrasts with the character in the background as her body language is stiff  and look uncomfortable, this portrays the way she feel, angry. we placed her in the background to show distance between the characters as two of them are close when the other is the polar opposite and is far away. For this

Post 7-Evaluation Vlog NOT COMPLETED

Post 6-Final Cut NOT COMPLETED

Post 5- Editing process NOT COMPLETED

Post 4- Production company logo

We discussed a name for the production company, with final options being: - Star Productions - Project Illusion - Ascension Studios - Andromeda Productions - Infinite Studios - Radiant Productions - Incognito Productions - Sapien Studios - Project Serpent We originally settled with "Star Productions" however after some small researching, we discovered that it was already taken by a company. This is the logo that what designed for Star Productions: After discovering that it was taken, we chose a different name and settled with "Project Illusion". This is the current logo for our production company: The reason for this design is based upon the "Illusion" part of our name, with the triangle being the "Infinity Triangle", a common optical illusion.

Post 3- Opening task planning continued

This is our story board in which Emily made to show what each scene was going to look like. Character Profiles  Olivia is playing the role of the angry student we chose her to play this character as we feel as she would portray the character as our intended vision. We chose to use this character to introduce a comedic aspect to a serious, confusing documentary therefor grabbing the attention of the viewers.    Louie is playing the character of the incorrect student, we chose to use this character in order to give another point of view and opinion even though it is incorrect it makes the documentary have a sense of realism as not everyone is correct.                                        Elsa is playing the character professor who dedicates her entire career to finding out the question “why is humpty dumpty portrayed as an egg?” we use this character in order to explain the confusing question therefore making sense to our documentary but it

Post 2-Opening task planning


Post 1- Opening task introduced

Out of our 6 questions, as a group we decided our favourites were ‘Who made humpty dumpty an egg?’ and ‘The Meatloaf song; what is ‘that’?’ We liked these two questions because they are both equally confusing and make minds work in order to figure out an adequate response. We’ve chosen ‘Who made humpty dumpty an egg?’ as our question as we think we would be able to present the ideas around it easier in our documentary than the Meatloaf question; everyone knows humpty dumpty, the nursery rhyme is much more commonly known than the meatloaf song, therefore we think it will be more popular and it will reflect more comedy in our filming. Also, this idea seemed quite unique in comparison to our other ones which we were given; we think this question will ultimately be more successful. Our documentary is intended to be comical and educational. Our documentary will include 6 main characters; Aston (the voiceover), Ellie (the interviewer), and Catherine, Louie, Elsa and Olivia - our recipie